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Contributing to Help Hub

Icons and Buttons

Test<OdyseeButton url="https://odysee.com">Test</OdyseeButton>
Test<PrimaryOdyseeButton url="https://odysee.com">Test</PrimaryOdyseeButton>
<OdyseeButtonRound url="https://odysee.com/$/wallet"><OdyseeIcon type="credits"/></OdyseeButtonRound>
<OdyseeIcon type="credits"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="unlock" color="#de0050"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="unlock"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="edit"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="morevertical"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="playlistadd"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="playlist"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="chevrondown"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="chevronright"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="livestream"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="post"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="signout"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="helpcircle"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="upgrade"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="users"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="award"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="testtube"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="youtube"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="atsign"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="dollar"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="wallet"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="cogwheel"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="bell"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="key"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="person"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="uploadcloud"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="sticker"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="trash"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="featured"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="life"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="education"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="aperature"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="peace"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="pop culture"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="speaker"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="universe"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="gaming"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="music"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="lifestyle"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="comedy"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="artists"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="sports"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="rabbithole"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="heart"/>
<OdyseeIcon type="home"/>

Tags & metadata:

sidebar_position: 1
title: What is Odysee?
thumbnail: https://placehold.co/1200x600
description: Odysee sounds cool. What is it, though?
faIcon: "fa-circle-play"
cardThumbnail: "/img/g_1200x600_Transparent_Placeholder.png" #The thumbnail on the category card.
cardSize: 12 #12 is full size, 6 is 50% width, etc.
thumbnailLocation: "left" #Possible options: top, left, bottom, right, none
tileColor: "blue" #Placeholder tiles until thumbnail is ready, possible options: blue, cream, darkpurple, lightpurple, mauve, orange, pink, none
- Odysee

You can use FontAwesome in mdx files:

<FontAwesomeIcon icon="coffee" color="#de0050" />

FontAwesome Documentation

Click on Your Wallet to view your wallet on Odysee.

On mobile, press to view your wallet on Odysee.

Click on to view your notifications on Odysee.

These are LBRY Credits: , they can be in a button:

<OdyseeIcon type="credits" />
Sign Up
This is Web.
This is Web.

Some content with Markdown syntax. Check this api.


Some content with Markdown syntax. Check this api.


Some content with Markdown syntax. Check this api.


Some content with Markdown syntax. Check this api.


Some content with Markdown syntax. Check this api.


This is the index site that contains a few useful formatting tools that Docusraurus offers.

Themed images

The image toggles between light and dark mode:

![Logo with white text](/img/Logo_Transparent_White_Text.png#dark)
![Logo with black text](/img/Logo_White_Background_Black_Text.png#light)


Like on Odysee.com, you can use markdown formatting as usual.


In some cases, you may want to give instructions depending on the device.

Example use case:

How to upload content:

1. This is how you upload content on Odysee.com
<Tabs groupId="appUsed">
<TabItem value="Odysee.com" label="Odysee.com" default>
This is how you upload content on Odysee.com
1. test
2. hello
3. 123
<TabItem value="Android" label="Android">
This is how you upload content on Android
<TabItem value="Apple" label="Apple">
This is how you upload content on Apple


Be careful!

Sometimes, you want people to read something very important or useful. Use Admonitions like these to get their attention!

:::note Something to note...

Sometimes, you want people to read something **very important** or useful. Use Admonitions like these to get their attention!


:::tip Useful

Sometimes, you want people to read something **very important** or useful. Use Admonitions like these to get their attention!



Sometimes, you want people to read something **very important** or useful. Use Admonitions like these to get their attention!


:::caution Be careful!

Sometimes, you want people to read something **very important** or useful. Use Admonitions like these to get their attention!



Sometimes, you want people to read something **very important** or useful. Use Admonitions like these to get their attention!


Custom components

We can add components, like custom buttons that match the Odysee style or use Credits.


allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"


The metadata sits on the top of each file, do not translate the slug, but you can translate everything else besides the slug. Basicially, the metadata is completely optional, but it it's good to use it.

// Optional: The slug defines the path, for example docs.odysee.tv/hello-world. If not defined, just the file name is being used (without the `.mdx` ending).
slug: /hello-world
// The position in which this documentation should be in the sidebar, optional.
sidebar_position: 1
// How this site should be labelled in the sidebar.
sidebar_label: 'Index'
// The title that shows up everywhere and on search engines.
title: Index
// The description, it is shown in search engines. Keep it at around 140 characters.
description: This is the index of the Odysee Help Hub... Description for search engines.
// Optional: Add a image that is shown in preview cards on social media if people share this page.
image: https://i.imgur.com/FpXwZoM.jpg
// SEO keywords of this file:
keywords: [odysee, help, documentation]