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Transaction Types & History

From the wallet page, you can switch to the Transactions tab. This will show your transaction history.

From here, you can filter between LBC and Cash transactions, and between various LBC transaction types. These are:

SentLBC is sent to a wallet address - sent LBC, outgoing tips, or content purchases.
ReceiveLBC received at a wallet address - received LBC, incoming tips, or content purchases. *Active = currently supporting your content. Historical = claimed into your balance.*
UploadsLBC claim associated with content publication.Claims can be revoked via trash icon1. Historical records are previous updates.
ChannelLBC claim associated with Channel creation. Channel claims can be revoked via trash button. Historical records are previous updates.
RepostLink to another LBRY claim. Reposts can be revoked via trash icon.
SupportLBC used to support your own or other content. Support claims can be revoked via trash icon. *Active = currently locked. Historical = revoked.*

Under Currency transactions (meaning USD or Euros), the only filters are between Incoming and Outgoing.